Michelle Mehl, Associate Lawyer.
Michelle Mehl
Called 2019
Michelle Mehl is a lawyer in Burlington, Ontario. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law degrees in 1992 from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa.
Michelle is a former police officer who attained the rank of Superintendent (formerly, Colonel). She also served as in-house legal counsel for the South African Police Services.
After 7 years as a Family Law Clerk in Hamilton, Ontario, and a law lecturer at a Canadian college, Michelle obtained her Canadian Certificate of Accreditation in 2018 and was, as a result, called to the Bar in 2019. She completed her articles at Cass & Bishop and is now working as a lawyer. Michelle also successfully completed Family Mediation Training and practices as a Family Law Mediator-Lawyer. Michelle is a highly valued member of the Cass & Bishop team—reflective of her lengthy legal experience, here and abroad. In 2020, Michelle earned a Master’s degree in Family Law and graduated “cum laude” (with distinction). She is an avid reader, and an animal lover.
Tel: (905) 632-7744 x3793
Other Activities
Osgoode Hall Law School of York University “Intensive Program in Wills and Estates” Certification — May, 2024
Family Law Legal Clinic Volunteer at McMaster University McMaster Family Practice (“MFP”) — November, 2024 – Current